Radhuni Radhuni Radhuni Radhuni Radhuni

Radhuni Pure Mustard Oil

Radhuni Pure Mustard Oil is made from hand-picked mustard seeds, guaranteeing  the best quality mustard oil. It is produced in a fully automated line, starting  from seed cleaning to bottling and capping. The cold press expelling technology used ensures the retention of natural flavor, pungency and essence in the product. Highly efficient filtering gives the oil an optimum color and zero solid particle content.  Radhuni Pure Mustard Oil contains a large amount of mono-unsaturated fatty acid which restricts the build-up  of the harmful cholesterol in blood.

Available In

80ml, 250 ml, 500 ml & 1000 ml (Pet Bottle)

Pack sizes (Export Market):
200ml, 250 ml, 400 ml, 500 ml & 1000 ml


Red & White Mustard Seeds

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